Can Blogging Help You Bypass Google’s Algorithm Changes?

If your business, in any way, depends on traffic from Google and other search engines, you’ll be aware of the recent Panda and Penguin updates that penalized over-optimization and other practices by SEO professionals and left many websites and businesses high and dry.Google

For years, we have advocated the use of blogging as an ethical and search engine-friendly way to provide useful, relevant and fresh content that makes your site more appealing to Google and other search engines.

Here are 5 reasons why regular and consistent blogging can help you bypass Google’s algorithm updates.

1. Blogs are loved by readers and search engines alike

Blogs are an easy way to keep your site updated with great content that keeps your readers and search engines happy. When readers visit, they have something new to read and when search engines visit, there is something new to index. As long as you write useful and original content, you can keep both your readers and search engines coming back for more.

2. Blogs create more value for your site visitors

Businesses thrive when they create more value for their customers. Blogs are like your newsletter to the world. They help you add value to your site in the form of useful, relevant content that showcases your expertise, products and services.

Blogs offer your readers a chance to get to know you better and give you the opportunity to build a personal connection with them. You can answer their questions, provide solutions to their problems and give them a glimpse into your knowledge and expertise through your blog.

3. Blogs are naturally optimized without requiring over-optimization

With features like tags and categories (that create new search results every time you post) and plugins that allow you to create interlinking between posts, add appropriate titles, descriptions and keywords, blogs allow you to optimize every post without it looking contrived or over-optimized.

4. Blogs give Google a reason to revisit your site often

Google and other search engines visit websites at intervals to find and spider new content. When you add new posts to your blog, it will send a ping to the search engines, notifying them of the existence of new content.

This invites Google to spider your site more often. If the spider finds new, relevant content there, it gives you brownie points for keeping your content updated and fresh.

5. Blogs make it easy to get natural inbound links

Other bloggers or websites are more likely to link to sources of useful information and a regularly updated blog offers more posts to link to.

Blogs are also more readily shared on social networks by users who like sharing useful new information with their networks. Keep this in mind when you create content and you will get more inbound links that are natural and organic.

When you use a useful and well-written blog to grow your visibility online, it provides your business with a natural buffer against the vagaries of search engine algorithmic changes and updates.

A blog provides your business with a natural buffer against the vagaries of search engine updates. Share on X

© Priya Florence Shah

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