Five Super Tips To Create and Maintain a Powerful Blog Community

ID-100290346Creating a blog is one thing, but getting readers to your blog is another. People usually miss this exact point and often are confused about how to fix it.

If you fall in this category or you are just starting out on blogging, then you are in luck.

I will share with you five powerful tips that will help you create and maintain a powerful and magnetic community around your blog.

1. Creating Great Content

The most basic and important point to note is to have great content. Never make the mistake of doing anything else if you are not ready with your content.

Having poor or low-quality content is the first step to failure and defeats the whole purpose of having the blog anyway. So, start with creating content that is aimed at the user and provides solutions to their problems.

I know quite a lot of blog owners who are not really good at writing but make the most success with that, the question is how? Well, they may have the ideas, but fail to put them down to pen, so they opt for outsourcing. This is a great way to ensure that you are getting quality content for your writers.

With quality content, the readers find your information helpful and share it with their friends and this helps with growing your community.

2. Email Opt In

If you are serious about creating your blog community, then this should be the next tip worth considering.

After having successfully created some great content, you may want to consider creating an email list. An email list will help you stay in touch with your readers who want to receive updates from your blog. Share on X

So, whenever you have a new blog post to share, you do not have to wait until they search from the search engine or a share through social media, but you alert them right from their email address.

As long as you are creating some great and captivating content, then you should be rest assured that your email list can only grow than shrink.

3. Encouraging Readers to Comment

This is another great way to build your blog community. This usually works well when you add call to actions encouraging readers to comment on the topic or the content.

A good example could be as follows; “I hope you have enjoyed my recent post, please tell me what you think, I would love to hear from you.”

4. Create Room For Interaction

An essential step to building a dynamic blog community is the ability of the users to interact. This can be done in number of ways; some of them are having competitions or simply creating a forum.

You can start a competition in which the readers will be keen on getting the results and will keep coming again and again. However, the competition must be centered on blog topics in order to attract the right type of readers.

The other one is creating a forum. A forum is powerful way of letting your readers interact.

When people who have similar interests interact on a blog, they end up forming relationships. This therefore encourages them to keep interacting with fellow readers on the topics being shared and they find it extremely beneficial.

5. Social Media Sharing

In this day and time social media seems to be a leading lifestyle for most people. People, have social media features on their phones, laptops, you name it and why not on your blog?

After creating your blog, it is only wise to add social media sharing buttons for users to share with their friends. In addition, it wouldn’t hurt to tell them that if they liked the content they should share it.

Creating a blog powerful blog community takes time and you will have to be patient as this is not an overnight thing, but requires consistently putting out quality content and nurturing your readers.

So get that great content out often and get your readers captivated using the steps above and soon you will see your community grow and your blog flourish.

© Priya Florence Shah

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5 thoughts on “Five Super Tips To Create and Maintain a Powerful Blog Community”

  1. Hey Priya, I have been writing blogs since last few years. Now, I want to take the next step of building a blog community. Your tips are going to be quite useful to me.
    Thanks for sharing.

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