Your Personal Brand Needs A Domain And Bio Page

If you're serious about creating a personal brand, you must create a bio page on your own domain. Share on X

Because I publish so many blogs, I like to keep my bio page simple, with a list of my projects, books and websites, but yours can be more well-designed, with a showcase of your work and a blog.

12347657_mSetting Up Your Personal Domain Name

Owning your personal domain brands you in a way that leaves no doubt in the mind of your audience. Preferably choose a domain name that is the same as your name.

Check online with a domain name registrar to find out whether your preferred name is available. If not keep trying other combinations until you succeed. Buy the domain name and get it registered by either the domain name registrar or through the host.

If your name is prone to misspelling, buy the domains corresponding to the common misspellings also and point them to the correct domain or your website. Buy the domain for at least 3 to 5 years so you don’t forget to renew it.

Avoid special characters like dashes whenever possible because people are less likely to remember to type them in. It is wise to include your middle name in the combination, to set you apart from others with similar names.

Let your name appear as it would in a resume. Don’t use your job/industry in your domain name. These things are bound to change with time but your domain name must remain the same.

Setting Up Your Bio Page

Choose a hosting service where you will point your domain. Your internet service provider may provide the service at a fee. Alternatively you can search online for other web hosting companies.

Depending on whether you want to host a simple web page or blog, buy a hosting package that offers the services you need. Propagation of a new domain name to the new host could take a day or so. Point it to the web host so that your bio page becomes operational.

The bio page is one of the most important pages of the site. This page defines you, and is most likely to attract the most attention. Writing about your topics of expertise might come easy, but not so when you are required to write about yourself. As you write keep your audience in mind.

A bio is not for building your ego – it is an unbiased way of informing your audience of your skills and expertise that they may need.

© Priya Florence Shah

This is an excerpt from “Advantage YOU: Personal Branding Strategies For Career and Business Success

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